Training information
As you are probably aware, in 2015 the situation regarding the status of WUSV-Judges was subject to comprehensive discussion. In a common effort and close cooperation the SV and WUSV achieved a restructuration of this most important area of breeding and training in terms of the German Shepherd Dog breed. In order to provide for the legal framework required the SV Judge Regulations were amended and changed accordingly in 2016.
In an effort to ensure a mutally satisfying integration into the overall organization, the formation of National Special Judges was launched. Please find attached the latest version of the SV Judge Regulations for your information. For details please refer to item 3.
If judges of your club are interested to become a National Special Judge please kindly provide the SV Headquarters with the following documents:
- Application for Membership Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) e.V. – SV (only if the applicant is not already a member of SV)
- Application Form "National Special Judge", signed and confirmed by the national WUSV-member club
- Police Clearance Certificate, not older than six months
- Arbitration Agreement (to be signed by the applicant)
Upon receipt, the above mentioned documents will be verified and the applicant needs to attend the basic judges-seminar, before the practical examination required can be arranged for.
If desired, the practical examination can be taken in your home country. The examinations will be supervised by SV judges who are appointed in close cooperation by the SV and the WUSV.
The basic judges-seminars will be held in Augsburg (Germany).
The official languages during the seminar will be German and English. The lectures will be held by the members of SV- and WUSV-board of directors, as well as the WUSV-Senior Consultant, and the SV-Executive Director.
The participation fee for the seminar will be EUR 300,00. However, the expenses for accomodation (about EUR 120,00 per night, incl. breakfast) will not be included in that price.
Please note that the number of participants for the seminar is limited and the applications will be processed in order of reception. Applications that cannot be considered for one seminar will be automatically noted for the next upcoming seminar.
After having complied with the formal requirements, a successful attendance at the basic judges-seminar and the practical examination the application will be presented to the SV Board of Directors. If the board members grant their approval the applicant may be appointed as national Special Judge for Breeding and/ or national Special Judge for Trial by the national WUSV-member club.
The appointment entitles the judge to officiate at shows and/ or competitions in her/his home country (sovereign territory) for German Shepherd Dogs and the titles and certificates granted will be recognized by the respective national WUSV member organization.
Once granted the title of "National Special Judge" the judge will be able to work towards the title of "International Special Judge". This, however, implies the successful passing of three more practical examinations.
The appointment will entitle the judge then to judge shows and/ or competitions in her/his home country (sovereign territory) for German Shepherd Dogs as already mentioned above. Furthermore, the judge will be entitled to judge shows and/ or competitions in other WUSV member countries. However, this requires the approval of the WUSV headquarters office, and does not apply for events in Germany - the motherland of the breed.
The titles and certificates granted will accordingly be recognized by the respective national WUSV member organizations.
The SV and the WUSV attach great importance to a well and homogeneously trained judge corps in a common effort to guide the breed of the German Shepherd Dog into a bright and successful future.
Please direct your application along with the required documentation to
We are looking forward to hear from you.