Corona Pandemic & Event Scheduling
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The situation in terms of the Corona pandemic is still very tense, and for all we know at this point we will be facing the necessity for prolonged measures that aim at the slow-down and containment of the Corona virus at a nationwide level.
And even though the events and competitions as scheduled by the SV as the main club seem to be rather far away on our current time-frame we cannot deny the fact that all preparations for the participation in these main events are currently already in full swing.
During the past couple of weeks many of our members enquired about the main events and competitions. Many people have become insecure and worry that short-term cancellations might affect them economically. This applies first and foremost for the competitors who are in charge of the planning and organization of the participation at the respective events.
Therefore, the SV Board of Directors is currently experiencing a situation that requires the hardest decision-making process they have ever seen in their career at the SV – in particular since the decisions they now have to work on are not only and exclusively based on reliable facts and findings.
But on the other hand, it is the responsibility of the SV Board of Directors to avoid and ward off any possible damages – either health-related or of economic nature – from the organizers of events, the participants and club members. This is of crucial importance against the background that many people are now facing an insecure future after the crisis coupled with worries about their personal health, their work places and financial situation, and thus it is even more important to provide the people with a clear perspective in terms of the short-term future planning.
For the reasons as outlined above, the Board of Directors discussed the issues pending with the respective expert committees which resulted in the following decisions we wish to inform you about.
- SV National Winner Show & International Championship for Rescue Dogs – SV-Bundessiegerprüfung für Rettungshunde & Internationales Championat – with venue in in Bamenohl (National Group of Westphalia) – scheduled for August 06th to August 09th, 2020
Cancellation of the event and postponement from November 05th to November 08th, 2020 – the venue remains the same.
- SV National Winner Show for Shepherding – SV-Bundesleistungshüten – with venue in Eimke (National Group of Lower Saxony) – scheduled from August 28 th to August 30th, 2020
Cancellation of the event and postponement to 2021 – the venue remains the same and the date subject to confirmation.
- SV Championship Rally Obedience with venue in Merseburg (National Group of Saxony-Anhalt) – scheduled from August 29th, to August 30th, 2020
Cancellation of the event and postponement to 2021 – the venue remains the same and the date subject to confirmation.
- SV Conformation Show BSZ – SV-Bundessiegerzuchtschau – with venue in Nürnberg (National Group of Bavaria North) – scheduled from September 03rd, to September 06th, 2020
Cancellation of the event for the year 2020.
- SV National Winner Show IGP & Agility – SV-Bundessiegerprüfung IGP & Agility – with venue in Meppen (National Group Waterkant) – scheduled for September 18th, to September 20th, 2020
Re-evaluation of the current situation – the final decision shall be taken by the end of May 2020.
- SV Championship Agility and National League Final – SV-Meisterschaft Agility und Bundesliga-Finale – with venue still to be defined – scheduled from September 26th, to September 27th, 2020
Cancellation of the SV Championship Agility and National League Final as a result of the cancellation of the VDH-DM Agility dated April 20, 2020
- SV National Tracking Dogs Examination – SV-Bundesfährtenhundprüfung – with venue in Paderborn (National Group of East Westphalia-Lippe) – scheduled from October 23rd, to October 25th, 2020
Re-evaluation of the current situation – the final decision shall be taken by the end of May 2020.
- SV Championship Obedience and SV National Winner Show Obedience SV-Meisterschaft Obedience und SV-Bundessiegerprüfung Obedience – with venue in Hausen-Obertshausen – scheduled from Obtober 24th, to October 25th, 2020
Re-evaluation of the current situation – the final decision shall be taken by the end of May 2020.
Thank you very much for your attention in this matter. We will immediately inform you by the end of May with regard to the issues still pending.